Sunday, October 7, 2007

No Moms

This week my mom went to California. Without me. Her and all of the moms on the street went. We only had one mom on the street. It was because she couldn't go. My family goes to Oceanside every year. We stay at these condos on the beach. It is really gorgeous and the beach is never crouded. My grandparents rented the condo out for a month and there was one free week. My mom decided to go with her friends. So all the dads were stuck home with the kids. They had to get the elementery kids off to school. They had to clean the house. They had to make diner, but we ate out most of the time. They had all the responsibilaties of a mom. My dad even had to go to parent teacher confrences. It was weird because he had never gone before. Nether had I. My mom wanted him to go to see how I was doing in class. It was good though because I got away with things my mom would never let me do, like my mom lets me have caffine, but not late at night. My dad bought me a whole liter of Mountain Dew at the grocery store. I had it really late at night and was up til one oclock in the morning watching movies. But the bad thing was, was that I was really tired the next day. I also went to the video store like a million times. I am kind of a movie-holic. I go to the video store at least three times a week. My mom wouldn't have let me go that much because I would be up late finishing my homework. It was kind of a fun week, but I am really glad my mom is back. Because my house is in better order.


Susana said...
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Unknown said...

That must have been fun not having your mom there!

Shanda Lier said...

That's super fun!